親愛的家長, (English version follows)


感謝大家支持4/20「送愛到台灣」,大家的虔心祈禱、義購和樂捐,一定能幫助到還在地震、餘震驚恐中的台灣鄉親。4/27 會將上星期尚存的花籃花器和茶葉茶具繼續義賣,請大家再多多支持。



祝福大家 平安順心

校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents,

Thank you all for participating in the registration and textbook replacement briefing on 4/20. With everyone’s support, the administrative team has the absolute motivation to move towards our goals!”

Thank you for your generous donations. We will continue charity sales this week. Items available for purchase include:

  • Veggie pork rice from Donglai Restaurant, $10/box
  • Tea leaves and Teaware from Tianxi and CC Fine Tea,
  • Flower baskets

All subsequent sales and donations will be matched by a generous donor, which means that every dollar you contribute to this charity sale will be doubled. Please remember to bring cash for charity shopping! We also accept direct donations.

The school will hold a tea ceremony on May 11 to celebrate Mother’s Day. Your student will bring the invitation home with them this Saturday.  Please reserve time to participate.

Wishing you joy and happiness!

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長, (English version follows)



  1. 東來食府的肉燥飯、
  2. Tapioca Express的奶茶、
  3. 天囍和CC Fine Tea的茶葉及茶具,以及
  4. 志工提供的菜苗等等,


4/20 9:40在Cafeteria,校方將舉行註冊暨教材更換說明會,請家長務必撥冗參加,以利下學年度的註冊,瞭解學校的教學方向。


校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents,

I hope you and your family had a wonderful spring break.  Classes will resume this Saturday.

Our hearts go out to the members of our school community with families in Hualien who were impacted by the strong earthquake on April 3rd and the subsequent tremors. To support relief efforts, the school will host a charity sale on April 20. Items available for purchase include:

  • Veggie pork rice from Donglai Restaurant,
  • Milk tea from Tapioca Express,
  • Tea leaves and Teaware from Tianxi and CC Fine Tea,
  • Vegetable seedlings donated by our volunteers.

All subsequent sales and donations will be matched by a generous donor, which means that every dollar you contribute to this charity sale will be doubled. Please remember to bring cash for charity shopping! We also accept direct donations.

The school will hold an information session on registration and textbook replacement at 9:40am on 4/20 in the cafeteria. We strongly encourage all parents to attend to gain a deeper understanding of the registration process for the next school year and the school’s educational direction.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長, (English version follows)



***團體組報名表請email 至:[email protected]。由學校統一轉給承辦學校,個人參賽請直接報名。



校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents, I hope this letter finds you well.

The NWACLS USA Academic Competition registration form and regulations are attached (download). Please encourage your children to participate and practice Chinese by participating and participating.

**For group registration, please email to: [email protected]. We will transfer the application to the host school.

**For individual participation, please email to: [email protected] to register directly.

For school safety, please ensure that your students wear school uniform when going to school.

No school next 2 weeks, 4/6 and 4/13 Spring Break

Please stay safe!

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長, (English version follows)






2/17 素油飯義賣,每份$10,11:30在cafeteria開賣。



校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents, Happy New Year

Thank you for attending our New Year Event last week.  We all had a fantastic time.

To participate in the 2nd Tzu Chi Cup-National Jing Si Aphorisms Writing Competition, the school has scheduled a writing competition for grades 1 to 10 on February 17. We will use the fourth period for the competition in each classroom. The top three of each class will be awarded.  The first winner from each class will present our school to compete in competition with other 25 Tzu Chi Chinese schools.

If you have students in grades 1 to 10, please remind them to bring two pencils this Sat to school.

Each week vegetarian bento boxes charity sale will be different and sold at the main gate starting @11:30, cash only (quantity is limited). For 2/17: vegetarian bento box $10/box.

No school next week, 2/24

Please stay safe!

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長, (English version follows)




  • 當天早上,Cafeteria 已經設置好各班potluck的桌牌,您送孩子來學校時,就可以將potluck的菜放在您班級的桌上,然後到Gym看孩子們的表演
  • 上人和每一位學生結緣一個「歡喜有緣祝福卡」,每一個家庭結緣一個「福慧袋」,請大家依序領取
  • 迎春大觀園,歡迎家長帶孩子一起來體驗春節的手作、遊戲…,其中的年貨大街只收現金喔
  • 團圓聚餐以班級為單位,請大家分享佳餚並記得攜帶環保餐具,餐後請做好分類與清理場地。
  • 感恩當天承擔Volunteer的家長們,有您們活動才能順利進行,請記得團隊互相輪流,讓大家都可以有機會帶孩子們走走逛逛,享受一段美好的親子時光。
  • 當天和一般上課日ㄧ樣,學生需要點名,如需早退也要填寫早退單讓老師簽名方能離校,懇請大家配合。


校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents, Happy New Year

Welcome the Year of the Dragon!  School will have a New Year celebration event this Saturday.  You are all invited to attend. 

We will start with a spectacular Lion Dance and other performances.  After the performance, you will have an opportunity to experience the traditional way to celebrate the new year: 

  • Enjoying activities like lantern making, Chinese calligraphy, popular board games, face painting, arts & crafts, etc.
  • A marketplace where you can purchase delicious traditional food to take home, cash only
  • Each student will receive a “Happy Destiny Blessing” Card and each family will receive a “Blessing and Wisdom” Bag from the Master at the end of the performance.
  • A school wide potluck – each class will prepare its own re-union dinner. Please remember to bring environmentally friendly tableware and do not forget to clean and recycle after the meal.

Event Reminder:

  1. The cafeteria has already set up potluck tables for each class.  You can place your delicious dishes on your class’s table, and then go to the Gym to watch the children’s performances.
  2. Thank you to the parents who volunteered tomorrow. Please remember to take turns to be with your student(s) to enjoy a wonderful parent-child time.
  3. We need everyone to clean up the area after the event – the gym and cafeteria.
  4. Yes, we will take attendance tomorrow. If students need to leave early, parents are required to fill-out the early dismissal form and it is signed by the classroom teacher.

Wishing you a happy New Year! May it be filled with new adventures and good fortunes.

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長, (English version follows)





2/3有素油飯($10)義賣,11:30在cafeteria 開賣, 數量有限, 售完為止。


校長 張娟熹敬上

On 2/10, School is going to celebrate the Lunar New Year. We would like to invite you and your family to attend and participate in the celebration.

Early Dismissal Important Note:

  • Please stop by Staff Table #2 to complete the early dismissal form on the day only. Student(s) can only be picked up during recess time. Or your request will not be accepted.
  • One form per student.
  • Please wait for your student(s) at Cafeteria. Our volunteer will go to the classroom to pick up your student(s). Please don’t go to the classroom to pick up your student(s) by yourself.
  • Please remind your student(s) of early pick-up and wait in the classroom during recess.

Each week vegetarian bento boxes charity sale will be different and sold at the main gate starting @11:30, cash only (quantity is limited). For 2/3: vegetarian bento box $10/box.

Please stay safe and warm! See you tomorrow!

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長, (English version follows)


  • 2/10的新年活動,有關團圓餐聚的部份,已經請老師和家長聯絡;活動包括表演節目、文化手作、和團圓餐聚,讓我們全體總動員,一起熱熱鬧鬧的過個歡喜年。
  • 西北區華文學校聯誼會將在3月2日下午在僑教中心舉辦[成語學習營之西游記] ,歡迎自行報名參加。詳情請點擊:2024 成語學習營之西逰記 – Google Forms. 如有問題,請email [email protected]  洽詢。
  • 1/27有素便當($15)和珍珠奶茶($5)義賣,11:30在cafeteria 開賣, 數量有限, 售完為止。


校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents, Happy Friday. 

On 2/10, School is going to celebrate the Lunar New Year. We would like to invite you and your family to attend and participate in the celebration. We are going to have games, New Year related art & craft and shows prepared by our students. Afterwards, we will have a reunion dinner for each class. All family members are invited to the reunion dinner.

On 3/2, the Northwest District Chinese School Association will be held an Idiom Learning Camp: Journey to the West at Culture Canter of TECO Seattle. If you have any questions, please send an email to: [email protected]. Click the link, 2024 成語學習營之西逰記 to register for the camp.

Each week vegetarian bento boxes charity sale will be different and sold at the main gate starting @11:30, cash only (quantity is limited). For 1/27: vegetarian bento box $15/box and Bubble milk tea $5/cup.

Please stay safe and warm! See you tomorrow!

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長, (English version follows)




1/20有素油飯義賣,一份$10,11:30在cafeteria 開賣,數量有限,售完為止。


校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents,

We won’t have a make-up day for the January 13th closure due to the inclement weather. Mid-term exams and report card have been postponed by one week.

We would like to invite you to join and participate in the New Year celebration on 2/10.   This year, we will have a reunion dinner for each class. Please check with your classroom teacher for more details.

Each week vegetarian bento boxes charity sale will be different. For 1/20, vegetarian bento box will be $10/box, and sold at the main gate starting @11:30, cash only (quantity is limited).

Please stay safe and warm!

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長 (English version follows)





校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents – I wish you and your family well.

The safety of our students and volunteers is extremely important to the school.  We have opted to cancel all classes today, 1/13/24 due to inclement weather. If you signed up to volunteer today, we will re-schedule you to a different date.

Please stay safe and warm

校長 張娟熹敬上

親愛的家長, (English version follows)



1. 學區停課校舍無法使用—停課。

2. 如遇週六當天下雪,行政團隊會收集各區天氣狀況的資訊後做出最終決定。如果停課,校方會在七點以前公佈在網站並以email通知家長。

3. 如果維持上課,各家庭請根據自己的具體情況做出決定。如果您所在社區或家中的具體情況導致外出不安全,請延遲或取消到校。並將您的決定告知學校與老師,以便校方能夠瞭解所有學生的安全狀況。

敬祝 平安如意

校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents,

Winter may bring unpredictable weather. During instances of inclement weather or severe conditions that could result in a canceled school day, the school will take the following emergency closure measures:

  1. Classes will be cancelled if the BSD school building is unavailable.
  2. The school administrative team will collect information on weather conditions in each district and make a final decision by 7am on Saturday. If there is a closure, staff will announce it on the website and notify parents by email.
  3. If school remines are open, families can and should make decisions that are unique to their circumstances. If conditions specific to your neighborhood or home make travel unsafe, please delay the arrival of your student. Inform the school of your decision so that our staff can monitor the well-being of all our students.

Please stay warm and safe!

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長, (English version follows)




1. 春節活動籌備:9:40-10:20春節活動籌備會在cafeteria舉行,歡迎有興趣幫忙新年活動的家長們ㄧ起來集思廣義。(幫忙新年活動不能wave年度volunteer work的喔)

2. 玩具捐贈:家中如有八成新以上用不著的玩具,歡迎9:30以後送到榮譽商店來,延續物命讓其他小朋友得到歡樂。

3. 眾所期待的素食便當開賣了,素油飯($10), 11:30在cafeteria樓梯旁開賣,所得盈餘將用來做為學校雜支如購買榮譽商店禮物…。

4. 學校擬聘請心理輔導師駐校,如家長有此專業或是有認識的人,請連繫[email protected]


校長 張娟熹敬上

Dear Parents, Happy New Year. 

Classes resume on 1/6! We have a lot to do together—

  1. The New Year celebration preparation meeting will be held at the cafeteria from 9:40-10:20. Parents who are interested in helping with the New Year activities are welcome to come together and brainstorm. (note: helping for New Year’s activities won’t count toward your parent volunteer requirement)
  2. Toy donation: If you have unused toys that are 80% new at home, you are welcome to bring them to the Honor Store between 9:30 to 11:30am to extend the life of the toys and make other children happy.
  3. Starting from 1/6, the school will provide a vegetarian bento box for a charity sale. The bento box for the charity sale will be purchased from restaurants, and the balance after deducting the principal will be used on purchase toys for school’s honor store and other school supplies.
  4. The school plans to hire a psychological counselor to be stationed in the school. If parents have this major or know someone, please contact us, [email protected].

Each week vegetarian bento boxes will be different. For 1/6, vegetarian bento box will be $10/box, and sold at the main gate starting @11:30, cash only (quantity is limited).

I wish everyone a safe and successful 2024! See you on Saturday!

Tiffany Lin, Principal

親愛的家長們好 (English version follows)


新制服到了, 如果之前購買的制服太大或太小,需要換尺寸或加購制服,請於11/18 9:30am-11:30amcafeteria來換或加購。

11/25 No School,我們12/2見!


校長 張娟熹(慈映)虔誠合十

Dear Parents,

Please remind your student(s) to wear school uniform when come to school. 

The uniform store is open from 9:30am to 11:30am@Cafeteria on 11/18 if you need to change the size or purchase additional uniforms.

11/25 No School!  See you on 12/2.


Tiffany Lin, Principal

October 12, 2023

親愛的家長/同學們 (English version follows)


10/14 No School,我們10/21見!


校長, 張娟熹(慈映)虔誠合十

Dear Tzu Chi Academy Students, and Families:

Hello everyone! 10/7 fire drill was successfully completed.  Thank you for everyone’s cooperation!  Big thanks to our safety team and our parent volunteers.

No school this week, 10/14.  See you on 10/21.


Tiffany Lin, Principal

October 05, 2023

親愛的家長們 (English version follows)


校長 張娟熹(慈映)虔誠合十

Dear Tzu Chi Academy Students, and Families:

Hello everyone! Thank you all for donating toys, sharing extra toys at home, and bringing joy to other children.

A fire drill will be held on October 7. Parents who remain in the school are asked to cooperate with the safety team’s command to evacuate the place and go to the designated location to ensure safety.


Tiffany Lin, Principal

September 28, 2023

親愛的家長們 (English version follows)


9/30是玩具回收日,請將您家中多餘的玩具捐給榮譽商店,分享給其他的孩子以延續物命、珍愛地球。捐贈的玩具必需是八成新以上,9/30 9:40 – 11:20間送到榮譽商店,玩具武器及具有危險性的玩具請勿送來;如所捐贈玩具不適合榮譽商店,請當場取回,感恩大家的佈施。



校長 張娟熹(慈映)虔誠合十

Dear Tzu Chi Academy Students, and Families:

Hello everyone! After administrative and parent-teacher conferences, everyone has a better understanding of the school’s operations, teachers’ teaching methods, and children’s learning goals. We look forward to your support and cooperation. By working together, we will create a safe and happy learning environment for our students.

9/30 is Toy Recycling Day. Please donate your extra gentle used toys at home to the School’s Honor Store. All donated toys must be at least 80% new and bring them to the Honor Store between 9:40 and 11:20 on September 30. Weapons like, and dangerous toys are not allowed. If the donated toys are not suitable for the Honor Store, please take them back home with you. Thank you all for your donation.

Regarding student uniforms, since the current stock sizes do not match the actual demand, we have ordered more from the Headquarter. We will notify everyone when they arrive. 


Tiffany Lin, Principal

September 15, 2023

親愛的家長/同學們 (English version follows)



慶祝中華民國雙十國慶的文化訪問團將於9月19日下午6時在Bellevue 市 Meydenbauer Center 演出。




**此次演出座位以 100元,50元及30元來分區入座,不按照票號。


校長 張娟熹(慈映)虔誠合十

Dear Tzu Chi Academy Students, and Families:

We hope this letter finds you well.  To celebrate the Taiwanese National Day, TECO is going to represent “Sound of Taiwan” on September 19, 6pm at Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue WA.

“Sound of Taiwan”

This performance is performed by the famous performance group “Contemporary Band” to comfort the overseas Chinese. The content of the performance is deeply cultural and interesting and is suitable for the whole family to watch. 

*Seats for this performance are priced at NT$100, NT$50 and NT$30, no seat assignment. *

There is a special discount for our school student families at $20 per ticket. I hope everyone will join in the grand event and enjoy this wonderful performance that is rich in Taiwan’s high-quality culture.

Parents who are interested, please come to the Cafetoria staff table #3 to purchase tickets this Saturday.


Tiffany Lin, Principal

September 06, 2023







August 28, 2023

親愛的家長/同學們 (English version follows)



  1. 老師歡迎信: 各班老師將於 9/6前以電子郵件發通知告知您小孩的班級以及注意事項。
  2. 開學日(9/9/2023)當天,請學生務必穿著制服上衣(新生穿白色上衣),藍色長褲並攜帶老師歡迎信(紙版或電子版),在9:00以前到大廳集合,依班級舉牌報到,隨後由老師帶進各班教室上課。
  3. 開學當天請家長務必留在大廳,參加9:40-10:20的行政座談會。行政團隊將說明新學年的教育方向、活動內容及家長服務支援與配合的工作,一起為孩子們打造安全溫馨的學習環境。
  4. 停車請依交通指揮志工指引,停在體育場側方或是隔壁小學的停車場。160th Ave SE 道路狹窄,絕對不可雙向路邊停車,以免影響住戶進出;如遇火災也會阻擋救火車順利駛入。如果停在住宅區,切不可擋住住家車道出入口。
  5. 請時常瀏覽學校網站以了解學校重要公告及最新動態。



校長 張娟熹(慈映)虔誠合十

Dear Tzu Chi Academy Students, and Families:

I hope you are all enjoying your summer. We would like to welcome you back to Tillicum Middle School (1280 160th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98008) this Fall.

We look forward to working with each family to make our school a safe, warm, and fun learning environment for our students. However, we would like to request all Students’ and Families’ support and cooperation to make it happen.


  • Teacher’s Welcome Letter: You will receive an email from your class teacher by 9/6.
  • 1st Day of School: On 9/9/2023, Students should remember to wear their school uniform, with long blue pants.  New students, please wear a white shirt and long blue pants.  Please plan to arrive at school before 9 am, as all students will meet at the “Commons” area where they will find their class and wait for their teacher to take them to the classroom.  Also, please make sure to bring a copy of the Welcome Letter that was provided by the teachers (digitally is fine too). 
  • Parents and Staff meeting: 9/9/2023 9:40am-10:20am – we are inviting all Parents to stay around after dropping your students off.  During this time, we will share our 2023-2024 goals, activities, and parents’ participation. 
  • Parking:
    • Park only at designated areas – back of the school or the Elementary school located behind Tillicum.
    • Always comply and follow our traffic control volunteer instructions.
    • DO NOT BLOCK any exits, driveways, or intersections.
    • When Park at 160th Ave SE – park only one-side not both sides of the road.
  • Go to our school website for important announcements as we constantly post latest updates.

Again, welcome back and we look forward to seeing all of you on the first day of the school!


Tiffany Lin, Principal

August 27, 2023 Summer Camp Newsletter

西雅圖慈濟人文學校文化夏令營 圓緣滿滿|北美洲 | 僑務電子報 (ocacnews.net)